woensdag 9 juni 2010

Digital journal

I guess you could say that writing is as natural as the air I breath. Even though I don't do it as often as wanted (and needed!). But as soon as the alphabet made sense to me, the words started flowing on paper. Reading through them (every now and then) makes me realize how much I need to express my thoughts. When not shared on paper or in words, face to face, something inside is making me restless. Nervous, losing ground, losing connection; to my inner voice, to the people and world around me.

Do you know those people who can e-mail one or two sentences and that's it? Not me! E-mailing with friends is like writing chapters of books. Friend L. and I have writing well....about 5oo pages so far...and friend H. and I decided to write postcards and letters by hand sending them by old fashioned mail. Both so valuable!

So why a blog? Because writing for just me, myself and I feels a bit lonely. And I don't want to 'bomb' my two ' writing friends' with all the stuff I want to say. Writing for and with someone just feels so much better. I am in need of connecting! Keeps me sharp, gives me purpose, exercises the mind. So here is a start.

And alas...I am not creative (but will write about creative people often), not a great cook or gardener or sewer, I guess you can say there is a pretty serious side to me, tests showed I am quiet introvert (INFJ), and I can't take great pictures (yet)! But still I hope to connect with some nice people through this blog. Like meeting pen-pals in the 80's. Mine lived in Hong Kong, Russia, United States and Holland. Were did yours come from?

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