Miss M. from Holland, that's me. Born in '74, mother of two girls (2006-2017 & 2009) and married to Mister M. We live in the 'Green Heart' of Holland, basically close to all the big cities. Before that it was 15 years of Amsterdam.
So less movies, but more books. Less meeting with friends, but more time to use my camera and play with my daughters. I have been through a lot: a Sudden Cardiac Arrest in 2010, DCIS/Breastcancer in 2013 and 2018. After landing on my feet again I quit my job and started a Master Degree in Spiritual Care at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Life felt full of meaning again!
Then in September 2017 disaster struck again, harder than ever before: our beautiful oldest daughter suddenly died due to complications of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemea which had spread through her brain causing bleeding and swellings. When I am able to look at our family from a bit of a distance I think you can say we are doing pretty well. Needless to say we know all about the darkest places and times a human being can go through, but at the same time there is room for resilience, being grateful and seeing the wonders of life.
Yes, also now, in these months after my second breastcancer diagnosis. In May 2018 they found some DCIS cells and cancercells in my breast again. Now I needed a mastectomy and I chose not to have a reconstruction. Unfortunately, the cells were hormonepositive (same as in 2013) but this time also Her2neu positive. Therefore I need to get 12 x chemo (Paclitaxel/Taxol), 17 x (Trastuzamab/Herceptin) and 5 years of hormonepills.