woensdag 11 april 2012

Entering new horizons

You know, when something happens to you, it seems as if you’re being introduced to a world within reality that seemed to be closed before. When I was pregnant; all of a sudden there were so many other pregnant women. I sort of tuned into the pregnant-mode which was full of life and excitement. I was transported to an area with ‘pregnant-horizons’, (Gadamer) that added a new and different meaning and perspective to my life.

This time around I was transported into the world of heart patients; a world of life and death. It feels as if I am introduced to a darker corner of reality. There is a different sense of time, of different sense of meaning and language. One of the people who speaks the language of life and death is journalist Jan Greven. He has a way with words, combined with a deep knowledge of philosophy, theology, religion and the meaning of life. He uses these skills: in dealing with the death of his daughter.

In early January I had read a little note in the newspaper about a young woman (38) who had died in her home. She was in my mind for a while, although I didn’t know her. Then later that week I read a column from a former fellow high school friend of mine. She is a well-known writer in Holland and it turned out she had known this woman. I couldn’t help myself but Google her name and found a beautiful website from her father. The way he writes about the loss of his daughter is so delicate, so real and also so moderated. He gently examines his feelings, his life, his thoughts, his believes and the believes of others. Without ever loosing himself in despair or rage. I was I could comment on his thoughts, but I can’t. For those of you who can read Dutch, check out his site! His most recent post about the meaning of Easter, the meaning of friendship, and how friends are necessary for a sense of direction in life is worth reading!

You know, honestly, many times I totally dislike these new horizons that show up in front of my eyes. But reading the posts of Jan Greven makes it all a bit softer.