zondag 26 februari 2012


Walking on eggs...

Honger maakt rauwe bonen zoet

De appel valt niet ver van de boom

woensdag 15 februari 2012


50 people 1 question Paris from Stills in Motion Malmö on Vimeo.

I came across this video this morning and watched it with a big smile on my face. Because it has everyting in it that makes me happy. It's in Paris to start with! And all the people in this video have a certain glow. Apparently that's what thinking and talking about happiness does to people everywhere in the world. They all talk about on thing: they are happy when they feel connected. Really in touch with their loved ones, with the world, with life in general.
I can not wait to go to Paris again, with my loved ones. To show the city I love the most to my daughters! Gonna watch this video again.

Will also soon check out the other videos they made: Fifty People One Question!

woensdag 1 februari 2012

Dear Photograph

I read about this site some weeks ago (and am sure that I have seen this idea a few years back) and I love it! Each picture makes me smile and makes me aware of all the stories they represent. Each picture says more than a thousand words right? You can all make your own stories about the people and the places as you skip through this photo-archive. Like this lovely lady in the picture above. What about her life? Her dreams and desires? Wish I could travel back in time and have a good conversation with her, woman to woman. But most of all, I wish I could travel back to the year the picture was taken, 1942. My grandmother just had her first child, my mother. It was War time here in Holland, so her life with its perspectives was totally different than mine. Would have loved to know all about it. It must not have been easy, but they just carried their fate and made it work the best they could. Miss you so much grandma!